Viral Again
After yesterday I was thinking of all the people out there being affected by the ongoing virus pandemic (it’s official). It started as I walked by a Vietnamese restaurant that just opened a week ago. This would be the very definition of unlucky timing. Then, as my mind wandered around thinking of all of the people starting new ventures in life, I started thinking about the music acts out there who are constantly touring. I get the impression most of them are working just above the break even line under good circumstances. I wonder how many little acts have had to cancel and postpone tour dates? How much upfront money has been lost in the last month? How many little to medium sized musical acts don’t have the financial base to weather this particular storm?
So, I thought, what can people do to help?
I think most musicians now-in-days have web sites. I would like, just for a moment here, to advocate for all of the random fans out there to go to those web sites. Most of those web sites have a merch link. For a lot of musicians on the road the stuff sold at merch table, and I am thinking of the kind of acts that work so hard to fill the 5000 minus seat venues, become their version of a per diem. By going to those same bands’ merch web sites and buying the no doubt over priced t-shirts and hats and mugs we can all support music getting past this period in some small way.
Now, I know there a many, many, many worthy places one can spend one’s money…food and rent come to mind. But, if you do happen to have a little left over at the end of the month, think about maybe supporting you favorite artists. They’re not as cute as World Wild Life Federation animals, but the joy they bring is much more immediate.
Music listened to while writing:
Dave Douglas and Uri Caine – Present Joys
Pat Metheny – From This Place
Featured image by Me…it’s the same quarter note, just sick looking…
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